
Girls' Summer Camp: One Month to Experience Growth in Every Aspect of Your Life

Girls' Summer Camp is more than just a program about starting and running a business in Austria. The camp is designed to empower young women by addressing multiple aspects of their lives, including self-esteem, mindset, relaxation, manifestation, and energy.
Why do we address all these aspects?

The absence of these essential components can trap you in a negative loop. A negative loop is a pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that create a cycle of negative or undesirable outcomes and self-perception. Breaking free from this loop can be challenging, but it's crucial for personal growth and success.

Negative loops and their impact on the success

One common negative loop might look like this:

No rest → no energy → low self-esteem and self-perception → no strength to manifest yourself in the world, to ask for and take what you want → no money.

In this loop, neither lessons on mindset and business nor relaxation alone will help. To break free, you need to strengthen specific aspects of your life and eliminate old patterns and detrimental behaviors.

Different types of negative loops

Negative loops vary from person to person and can be related to various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, self-image, and personal goals. Some common examples include:

  • Perfectionism leading to fear of failure,
  • People-pleasing leading to a lack of boundaries,
  • Negative self-talk reinforcing low self-esteem,
  • Recognizing and breaking these loops is essential for promoting healthier thoughts, behaviors, and self-perception.

How Girls' Summer Camp can help?

Our camp offers interconnected lessons to help you break free from negative loops within a month and push you forward like a rocket.

In addition to the platform with comprehensive learning materials and a practical toolkit to kickstart your business, we offer a private community channel for all participants. This channel allows us to be in touch with you every day, providing posts about energy, negative loops, and voice chats to encourage you and ensure nobody gives up or loses hope.

If you ever find yourself struggling, you can always reach out to us personally or in the group chat. Together, we will find a way out of the situation and help you grow stronger and more resilient.

Join Girls' Summer Camp today and start your journey towards a more empowered, successful, and fulfilling life. ❤️